Full-featured Data Room
Getting All the Tools You Need

Redefining the way of sensitive file storing and sharing





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File Management

Multi-dataroom Management

Bulk Uploads

Fast and Resumable
in Transmission

Quick Share with Link

Automatic File Index

Email pass

Built-in Online

Changes Publish
/ Revert Mechanism

Full-text Search

Automatic Conversion
of PDF


Quick share feature allows you to securely share your files to individual or business group chats with a link. And also allows the visitor to request access permission to the one who shared.

Changes publish/revert mechanism enable a process control over files management and a separation of files upload/edit/publish.

Built-in Online annotation facilitates the collaboration by getting the communication around the context and keep the same protection level and settings, without losing information or compromising any security that applied to the files. 

File Protection and Security

Privacy Data Room

End-to-end Encryption

Secured Online View

Watermark Customization

Office and PDF Offline Protection

OCR and Redaction

Audit Trails

From uploading, transmission, landing, to online and even offline viewing, files are encrypted all the time, avoid any peeking or tampering. File content can also be redacted and edited, and all logging trails are recorded and monitored, that is to achieve full lifecycle protection and security.

Access Control

Granular File Permission

Role Setup

Team Setup

Access Expiration

Multi-factor Authentication

Device Compliance

Access Approval with Share Link

Operation Logging

Analysis and Insights

Detailed Document Report

Popular Document Report

User Behavior Tracking

Dynamic Report with Parameters Setup

Dynamic Dashboard

Document Access Report

Management Report including Storage/Expiry Alerts


Logo and URL Cutomization

Redefine Email Template and Terms of Use

Preferred Language Setting

Notification Setting

Time Zone Setting

Leading in Technology

Character Recognition
of Different Languages

Enhanced Text Generation

Dynamic Threat Detection

Alerts & Response

Start to Share Files in a Securer Way

Start your journey with bestCoffer.